mardi 28 mai 2013

Проблемы с VPN server

Проблемы с VPN server

Проблемы с VPN server
Короче ситуация такая, есть Fedora Core 4, на него поставил ВПН сервер, но возникли проблемы при подключении к нему из виндов. Вроде как проходит с внешней стороны авторизация, после чего ОШИБКА 619. В логах на сервере пишет следущее:
Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pptpd[3179]: CTRL: Client control connection started Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pptpd[3179]: CTRL: Starting call (launching pppd, opening GRE) Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pptpd[3179]: GRE: read(fd=6,buffer=804f5a0,len=8196) from PTY failed: status = -1 error = Input/output error, usually caused by unexpected termination of pppd, check option syntax and pppd logs Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pptpd[3179]: CTRL: PTY read or GRE write failed (pty,gre)=(6,7) Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pptpd[3179]: CTRL: Client control connection finished Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pppd[3181]: pppd 2.4.2 started by root, uid 0 Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pptp[3182]: anon log[main:pptp.c:267]: The synchronous pptp option is NOT activated Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pptp[2991]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: Sent control packet type is 7 'Outgoing-Call-Request' Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pptp[2991]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:851]: Received Outgoing Call Reply. Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pptp[2991]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:890]: Outgoing call established (call ID 1, peer's call ID 28682). Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pptp[2985]: anon log[decaps_gre:pptp_gre.c:395]: discarding duplicate or old packet 0 (expecting 537) Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pppd[3181]: Using interface ppp1 Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pppd[3181]: Connect: ppp1 <--> /dev/pts/5 Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pptp[2985]: anon log[decaps_gre:pptp_gre.c:395]: discarding duplicate or old packet 1 (expecting 537) Sep 27 19:05:23 blablabla pptp[2985]: anon

Рано или поздно каждый из нас задумывается о безопасности и защите своих данных в сети Интернет. Если ваш IP адрес является адресом вашего провайдера,то ваш интернет трафик и информация не защищены и вы можете быть подвержены прослушиванию , мониторингу и контролю всей вашей интернет активности, хакерским атакам с целью кражи вашей личной информации, паролей к электронной почте, различным сервисам, т.е. ваша информация не защищена от утечки и воздействию вредоносных программ и недоброжелателей! Неужели все так плохо?! Выход есть - купить vpn. Если вы заботитесь о сохранности личной информации, ведете деловую переписку, желаете получить доступ к информации не доступной с IP адреса вашего провайдера (например форумы, блоги и т.д.), имеете ограниченный интернет на работе, играете в онлайн-игры и доступ с вашего IP адреса заблокирован и т.д., тогда VPN-сервис для Вас и Вы сможете купить vpn у нас по выгодной цене! Конечным вашим IP адресом будет IP адрес одного из серверов, а ваш IP адрес останется скрытым. Сервера принудительно зашифруют ваш интернет трафик на пути к cерверу, сделав ваше путешествие в сети Интернет защищенным и анонимным!!!

Сегодня мы хотели бы вам рассказать об интересном VPN сервисе vpntraffic.

Как вы давно уже знаете, многие Европейские сервера закрыли доступ к своим услугам из других стран! Как же быть? Как, например, пообщаться со своими родными и близкими, которые уехали за границу или просто заказать товар из Европейской страны? Да и вообще, если Вы хотите анонимно пользоваться Интернетом по какой-либо причине, что же делать?

Изучая проблему в Интернете, мы нашли замечательный сервис vpntraffic. Он привлек наше внимание из-за низкой стоимости и в тоже время, отличным набором услуг и стран, через которые есть возможность подключаться. 40 стран, основыне из которых US, UK, CA, Australia, Spain, France, Italy, Russia, HK, Japan в вашем распоряжении 24 часа в сутки. Сервис постоянно развивается и количество стран увеличивается с каждой неделей. Круглосуточная техническая поддержка поможет решить вам любую проблему и настроить соединие на свое компьютере.
Если вы пользуетесь подобной услугой впервые и хотели бы проверить, как это все работает есть замечательная возможность приобрести авторизацию только на три дня. Т.е. вы потратите совсем небольшие средства, но в тоже время восспользуетесь полным набором услуг данного сервиса и проверите его работоспособность.
Всем, кто столкнулся с закрытыми сайтами для других стран рекомендуем VPN сервис vpntraffic.

What you need is a VPN account !

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dimanche 26 mai 2013

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samedi 25 mai 2013

Доступ к VPN-серверу извне, подключённому к инету через VPN

Доступ к VPN-серверу извне, подключённому к инету через VPN

Доступ к VPN-серверу извне, подключённому к инету через VPN
Доступ к VPN-серверу извне, подключённому к инету через VPN

Рано или поздно каждый из нас задумывается о безопасности и защите своих данных в сети Интернет. Если ваш IP адрес является адресом вашего провайдера,то ваш интернет трафик и информация не защищены и вы можете быть подвержены прослушиванию , мониторингу и контролю всей вашей интернет активности, хакерским атакам с целью кражи вашей личной информации, паролей к электронной почте, различным сервисам, т.е. ваша информация не защищена от утечки и воздействию вредоносных программ и недоброжелателей! Неужели все так плохо?! Выход есть - купить vpn. Если вы заботитесь о сохранности личной информации, ведете деловую переписку, желаете получить доступ к информации не доступной с IP адреса вашего провайдера (например форумы, блоги и т.д.), имеете ограниченный интернет на работе, играете в онлайн-игры и доступ с вашего IP адреса заблокирован и т.д., тогда VPN-сервис для Вас и Вы сможете купить vpn у нас по выгодной цене! Конечным вашим IP адресом будет IP адрес одного из серверов, а ваш IP адрес останется скрытым. Сервера принудительно зашифруют ваш интернет трафик на пути к cерверу, сделав ваше путешествие в сети Интернет защищенным и анонимным!!!

Сегодня мы хотели бы вам рассказать об интересном VPN сервисе vpntraffic.

Как вы давно уже знаете, многие Европейские сервера закрыли доступ к своим услугам из других стран! Как же быть? Как, например, пообщаться со своими родными и близкими, которые уехали за границу или просто заказать товар из Европейской страны? Да и вообще, если Вы хотите анонимно пользоваться Интернетом по какой-либо причине, что же делать?

Изучая проблему в Интернете, мы нашли замечательный сервис vpntraffic. Он привлек наше внимание из-за низкой стоимости и в тоже время, отличным набором услуг и стран, через которые есть возможность подключаться. 40 стран, основыне из которых US, UK, CA, Australia, Spain, France, Italy, Russia, HK, Japan в вашем распоряжении 24 часа в сутки. Сервис постоянно развивается и количество стран увеличивается с каждой неделей. Круглосуточная техническая поддержка поможет решить вам любую проблему и настроить соединие на свое компьютере.
Если вы пользуетесь подобной услугой впервые и хотели бы проверить, как это все работает есть замечательная возможность приобрести авторизацию только на три дня. Т.е. вы потратите совсем небольшие средства, но в тоже время восспользуетесь полным набором услуг данного сервиса и проверите его работоспособность.
Всем, кто столкнулся с закрытыми сайтами для других стран рекомендуем VPN сервис vpntraffic.

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Анонимайзеры или CGI proxy серверы

Рано или поздно каждый из нас задумывается о безопасности и защите своих данных в сети Интернет. Если ваш IP адрес является адресом вашего провайдера,то ваш интернет трафик и информация не защищены и вы можете быть подвержены прослушиванию , мониторингу и контролю всей вашей интернет активности, хакерским атакам с целью кражи вашей личной информации, паролей к электронной почте, различным сервисам, т.е. ваша информация не защищена от утечки и воздействию вредоносных программ и недоброжелателей! Неужели все так плохо?! Выход есть - купить vpn. Если вы заботитесь о сохранности личной информации, ведете деловую переписку, желаете получить доступ к информации не доступной с IP адреса вашего провайдера (например форумы, блоги и т.д.), имеете ограниченный интернет на работе, играете в онлайн-игры и доступ с вашего IP адреса заблокирован и т.д., тогда VPN-сервис для Вас и Вы сможете купить vpn у нас по выгодной цене! Конечным вашим IP адресом будет IP адрес одного из серверов, а ваш IP адрес останется скрытым. Сервера принудительно зашифруют ваш интернет трафик на пути к cерверу, сделав ваше путешествие в сети Интернет защищенным и анонимным!!!

Сегодня мы хотели бы вам рассказать об интересном VPN сервисе vpntraffic.

Как вы давно уже знаете, многие Европейские сервера закрыли доступ к своим услугам из других стран! Как же быть? Как, например, пообщаться со своими родными и близкими, которые уехали за границу или просто заказать товар из Европейской страны? Да и вообще, если Вы хотите анонимно пользоваться Интернетом по какой-либо причине, что же делать?

Изучая проблему в Интернете, мы нашли замечательный сервис vpntraffic. Он привлек наше внимание из-за низкой стоимости и в тоже время, отличным набором услуг и стран, через которые есть возможность подключаться. 40 стран, основыне из которых US, UK, CA, Australia, Spain, France, Italy, Russia, HK, Japan в вашем распоряжении 24 часа в сутки. Сервис постоянно развивается и количество стран увеличивается с каждой неделей. Круглосуточная техническая поддержка поможет решить вам любую проблему и настроить соединие на свое компьютере.
Если вы пользуетесь подобной услугой впервые и хотели бы проверить, как это все работает есть замечательная возможность приобрести авторизацию только на три дня. Т.е. вы потратите совсем небольшие средства, но в тоже время восспользуетесь полным набором услуг данного сервиса и проверите его работоспособность.
Всем, кто столкнулся с закрытыми сайтами для других стран рекомендуем VPN сервис vpntraffic.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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vendredi 24 mai 2013

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How to set up VPN for Blackberry 9900

ForBlackberry 9900 , vpn only for cisco ipsec mode :

Thisblackberry vpn tutorial can be used for all Blackberry OS 4 5 6 7

Gateway Type : Cisco Secure PIX Firewall VPN

Group name=ipsec

Group password=ipsec

Username=your vpn account

User Password=your vpn password

Save passphrase: click

Enable extended authentication:click

Dynamically determine DNS:click

IKE DH Group : Group2

IKE cipher: AES(256)

IKE hash : HMAC SHA1(160)

Prefer Forward Secrecy:Dont click

IPSec cryto and hash suit : AES256-SHA1

use hard token:Dont click

vpntraffic disini menyewakan akun VPN Murah dan VPN Cepat

Anonymous Surfing. Maksudnya kita menjelajah internet tanpa terlacak IP asli kita, karena IP komputer kita akan terdeteksi IP lain (anonymous) sesuai dengan IP server VPN yang dipakai. Jadi kita online aman dari serangan hacker.

Keamanan informasi yang kita terima atau terkirim sata ber-internet sangat aman, karena data ter-enkripsi stkitar VPN 128 bit /1024 bit.

Dapat mengakses apapun itu situs-situs yang diblokir. Sekarang undang-undang IT semakin ketat saja, akibatnya banyak situs-situs lokal ataupun internasional yang kena blokir.

Menjaga keamanan username dan password kita saat login ke website-website financial dari hacker dan sniffers.

Kecepatan akses internet sedikit lebih cepat karena menggunakan DNS luar yang menyesuaikan dengan kebanyakan hosting-hosting website kebanyakan.

Username dan Password akun VPN bisa direquest sesuai keinginan Anda sendiri.

Virtual private network (VPN) : Sebuah koneksi yang aman antara dua bagian dari sebuah jaringan pribadi yang digunakan pada sebuah jaringan publik seperti Internet untuk mengurangi biaya operasional.

Anda harus bekerja walau sedang tidak berada di kantor. Mungkin saat Anda tengah berada di jalan atau bekerja di rumah, atau sedang berada di lapangan di tengah-tengah proyek, Anda memerlukan akses ke file-file, e-mail, dan database di kantor pusat Anda. Mengkoneksikan diri langsung ke server kantor Anda mungkin merupakan salah satu solusi, tetapi hal tersebut bisa menjadi sangat mahal dan memerlukan hardware dan dukungan teknis yang rumit. Mengirim file melalui Internet mungkin menjadi sarana yang paling mudah, tetapi belum tentu file yang Anda kirim aman dari para pengendus (sniffer) yang suka mencuri dan mengintip rahasia orang lain. Jadi, kenapa tidak Anda bawa saja jaringan tersebut kemana-mana?

Anda dapat mengakses secara aman pada jaringan bisnis Anda dengan biaya semurah telepon lokal. Pertanyaannya adalah, bagaimana caranya? Gunakan saja jaringan Internet dan sebuah virtual private network (VPN). Dengan VPN, Anda tidak perlu pusing-pusing mengurus instalasi yang rumit--yang Anda perlukan hanyalah mendapatkan sebuah ISP (internet service provider) untuk mengelola VPN tersebut untuk Anda.

Di sini Anda dapat menemukan harga kami dan lihat harga kami adalah harga terendah!

Anda juga dapat memesan satu VPN hari untuk menguji kualitas VPN kami

Kecepatan cepat dan harga murah!

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VPN適用範圍是windows、MAC OS X、Android手機以及平板、iOS裝置。

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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mardi 21 mai 2013

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Hvorfor VPN?

Er du trt af at blive overvget at din administrator eller udbyder, nr du surfer rundt? Med en VPN forbindelse er din trafik altid krypteret, og du kan hverken blive overvget af din lokale eller eksterne administrator!
Med VPN kan du trygt og roligt surfe rundt uden at skulle vre bange for at blive afslret i, hvad du bruger internettet til.
Sprrer din arbejdsgiver, administrator eller internetudbyder for sider eller services, du gerne vil kunne bruge? Bor du i et land der blokerer for Skype, Facebook, Youtube og andre sider, du gerne vil bruge? Eller befinder du dig p en skole hvor der er blokeret for spil?
Med VPN har du altid adgang til det store internet uden blokeringer!
Net TV
Befinder du dig uden for danmark, men gerne vil have muligheden for at kunne se dansk Net TV? Kan du heller ikke bruge danske net tjenester nr du befinder dig i udlandet? Eller krver en hjemmeside at du har en dansk IP-adresse? Med VPN er du altid forbundet med en dansk IP-adresse, som giver dig mulighed for at benytte alle danske net tjenester, selvom du befinder dig i udlandet!

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Hvis man har brug for at g p websider incl Facebook, Twitter osv
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- internettet blir automatisk krypteret
- opls alle restriktioner fra offentlige og forretnings substanser.
- undg geografisk blokering af ip adresse
- vlg mellem 35+ servere rundt om i verden
- support af pptp og I2p/ipsec
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VPN Servere Worldwide :

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What you need is a VPN account !

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lundi 20 mai 2013




米国のvpnがなければ、米国のipアドレスを所有できるようにし、地域の制限が解除のipアドレスを、正常な訪問、hulu,netflix,NBCサイトを無料で動画を見て観覧支持ipad iphoneをandroidなど様々なシステムだ.

Vpntrafficはワンタッチダイヤルアップのソフトで、地域制限を突破し、IPを変えることで、セキュリティの確保とプライバシーの保護ができます。わずらわしい設定無く、ワンタッチでダイヤルアップできます。pptp、l2tp/ipsecをサポートするサーバーが世界中に設置され、Facebook・Twitter・Youtube・BBC iPlayerなどのご利用をお手助けします。








- Europe:UK, France, Germany, Sweden,Russia,Spain,Switzerland,Italy,Netherlands,Norway,Denmark,Belgium,Czech,Poland,Romania

- America: USA,Canada,Mexico,Colombia,Argentina,Brazil

- Asia: China,India,Japan,United Arab Emirates,Malaysia,Singapore,Korea,Turkey,Indonesia,Thailand,Philippines,Hong Kong,Vietnam,Israel,Saudi Arabia,Kuwait

- Other:Australia



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dimanche 19 mai 2013

How to bypass streamyx p2p vpn

How to bypass streamyx p2p vpn

How to bypass streamyx p2p vpn
How to bypass streamyx p2p vpnp2p proxy programs
Emule VPN Service
eMule is a free peer-to-peer file sharing application for Microsoft Windows. Started in May 2002 as an alternative to eDonkey2000, eMule now connects to both the eDonkey network and the Kad network. The distinguishing features of eMule are the direct exchange of sources between client nodes, fast recovery of corrupted downloads, and the use of a credit system to reward frequent uploaders. Furthermore, eMule transmits data in zlib-compressed form to save bandwidth.
With vpntraffic you can use eMule or any other p2p software without any bandwidth limitation. Everyone has right to protect privacy online. No one should spy on you while you are browsing and surf anonymously.
Check Torrent VPN Service

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samedi 18 mai 2013

How to configure setting up vpn mac leopard

How to configure setting up vpn mac leopard

How to configure setting up vpn mac leopard
Solve problem setting up vpn mac leopardcisco anyconnect vpn mac client download
How to setup Mac OS X Built-In Cisco VPN

As an alternative to downloading the Cisco VPN client for Mac OS X, you can also use the built in IPSec version found on your machine. This might be more convenient for those who wish to avoid installing additional software.

You will need an Account in order to access the Mac VPN.

1. Head over to your System Preferences and to the Network Settings.

System Preferences > Network

2. Add a New interface.

3. Input the following settings:
VPN Type:Cisco IPSec
Service Name:This can be anything, I left the default.

4. Edit the new interface details as follows:
Account Name:Your vpn account
Password:Your vpn password

5. Click on theAuthentication Settings...button as shown above.
Both theShared SecretandGroup Nameshould be entered as: ipsec

Hit OK and now you should be able to pressConnect. This will prompt you for your password and after a successful authentication, you will now be connected to the VPN.

You can also check theShow VPN Status in Menu Barbox for easier access later.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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vendredi 17 mai 2013

How to configure mac vpn on demand

How to configure mac vpn on demand

How to configure mac vpn on demand
Solve problem mac vpn on demandset up vpn mac os x
How to setup Mac OS X Built-In Cisco VPN

As an alternative to downloading the Cisco VPN client for Mac OS X, you can also use the built in IPSec version found on your machine. This might be more convenient for those who wish to avoid installing additional software.

You will need an Account in order to access the Mac VPN.

1. Head over to your System Preferences and to the Network Settings.

System Preferences > Network

2. Add a New interface.

3. Input the following settings:
VPN Type:Cisco IPSec
Service Name:This can be anything, I left the default.

4. Edit the new interface details as follows:
Account Name:Your vpn account
Password:Your vpn password

5. Click on theAuthentication Settings...button as shown above.
Both theShared SecretandGroup Nameshould be entered as: ipsec

Hit OK and now you should be able to pressConnect. This will prompt you for your password and after a successful authentication, you will now be connected to the VPN.

You can also check theShow VPN Status in Menu Barbox for easier access later.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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jeudi 16 mai 2013

How to configure pptp vpn macintosh

How to configure pptp vpn macintosh

How to configure pptp vpn macintosh
Solve problem pptp vpn macintoshvpn mac exchange
How to setup Mac OS X Built-In Cisco VPN

As an alternative to downloading the Cisco VPN client for Mac OS X, you can also use the built in IPSec version found on your machine. This might be more convenient for those who wish to avoid installing additional software.

You will need an Account in order to access the Mac VPN.

1. Head over to your System Preferences and to the Network Settings.

System Preferences > Network

2. Add a New interface.

3. Input the following settings:
VPN Type:Cisco IPSec
Service Name:This can be anything, I left the default.

4. Edit the new interface details as follows:
Account Name:Your vpn account
Password:Your vpn password

5. Click on theAuthentication Settings...button as shown above.
Both theShared SecretandGroup Nameshould be entered as: ipsec

Hit OK and now you should be able to pressConnect. This will prompt you for your password and after a successful authentication, you will now be connected to the VPN.

You can also check theShow VPN Status in Menu Barbox for easier access later.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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mercredi 15 mai 2013

Get Rajkot ip address with Rajkot vpn

Get Rajkot ip address with Rajkot vpn

Get Rajkot ip address with Rajkot vpn
Get Rajkot ip address with Rajkot vpn
Buy india VPN get india ip address

India (i/ˈɪndiə/), officially the Republic of India (Bharat Ganrajya)[c], is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-largest country by area, the second-most populous country with over 1.2 billion people, and the most populous democracy in the world. Bounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the south-west, and the Bay of Bengal on the south-east, it shares land borders with Pakistan to the west;[d] China, Nepal, and Bhutan to the north-east; and Burma and Bangladesh to the east. In the Indian Ocean, India is in the vicinity of Sri Lanka and the Maldives; in addition, Indias Andaman and Nicobar Islands share a maritime border with Thailand and Indonesia.
We offer safe and stable VPN services for citizens of India with servers located in the whole world which give you a possibility of anonymous web surfing and perfect privacy with hidden, unique IP address. With VPN you can open anything from anywhere in world and it is available 24 hours a day. It is very easy to set up and use with any connection or platform, such as Windows/MacOS/iPhone/iPad/Android/. VpnTraffic also provides the free VPN solution for Indian people who dont have credit cards or an option to pay.
Buy cheap India VPN only $5 , our package include india ip address

What you need is a VPN account !

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Get Rimini ip address with Rimini vpn

Get Rimini ip address with Rimini vpn

Get Rimini ip address with Rimini vpn
Get Rimini ip address with Rimini vpn
Buy italy VPN get italy ip address

Italy i/ˈɪtəli/ (Italian: Italia [iˈtaːlja]), officially the Italian Republic (Italian: Repubblica italiana), is a unitary parliamentary republic in Southern Europe. To the north, it borders France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia along the Alps. To the south, it consists of the entirety of the Italian Peninsula, Sicily, Sardiniathe two largest islands in the Mediterranean Seaand many other smaller islands. The independent states of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within Italy, while Campione dItalia is an Italian exclave in Switzerland. The territory of Italy covers some 301,338 km2 (116,347 sq mi) and is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. With 60.8 million inhabitants, it is the fifth most populous country in Europe, and the 23rd most populous in the world.

Vpntraffic is a leadingitaly VPN servicesprovider that enables our users from all around the world to enjoy Free Internet thought fast, secure and reliable servers. Vpntraffic provides a secure Virtual Private Network solution through High Speed Access for italy citizens, using servers located all around the world. You get a secured connection for all programs you are using, you are completely anonymous, your traffic is fully encrypted and you are totally protected. High-quality 1Gbit Network connectivity ensures that your VPN service will be fast wherever you are in the world.
We all understand the importance of a virtual private network. There are times when one wishes to remain completely anonymous and protected online. The peace and security that a vpn account can provide you with is priceless. An offshore vpn account is also helpful for those that wish to appear to be located in another country.

What you need is a VPN account !

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mardi 14 mai 2013

How to setup Cisco IPsec VPN on Android 59Samsung SGH-i717 Galaxy Note

How to setup Cisco IPsec VPN on Android 59Samsung SGH-i717 Galaxy Note

How to setup Cisco IPsec VPN on Android 59Samsung SGH-i717 Galaxy Note
Youku is blocked from being viewed outside china,Unblock Youku on Samsung SGH-i717 Galaxy Note
You need watch Youku onAndroid 4 Ice-cream Sandwich with China VPN

sorry , its not the modules fault.. however if you are planning to develop around youku, be aware that it is impossible to view youku from outside of China. I had no idea about this untill it was too late, and now must replan a lot of different things. Just a heads up from within china.

This tutorial walks through the necessary steps on setting up a Android 4 ICS IPSec VPN Xauth PSK connection on Androids Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) devices. There is nothing to download, thanks to the built in Cisco IPsec VPN on on Android IcS.

From the Androids settings menu, underWireless and Networkgo toMore...->VPN->Add VPN network

Select Add VPN Network.

Fill out the following settings underEdit VPN network:

Name:Well call it "Vpntraffic Cisco IPsec VPN" in our example, but it can be anything to help you remember the VPN connection.

Type:Select "IPSec Xauth PSK" from the dropdown menu.

Server not all server support l2tp/ipsec)

IPsec identifer: ipsec

IPSec pre-shared key: ipsec

Tick the checkbox forAdvanced options

DNS servers:You can set this to use Googles DNS which is:

TapSavewhen finished

You should see your newly created connection listed under "VPN". Tap the connection name, and you will be prompted for your username and password.

You should be back at the main "VPN" screen, and once the connection is successful youll see a status of "Connected" under your connection name. The the connection name once conncted and youll be able to see more details about your VPN connection status.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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lundi 13 mai 2013

How to how to set up iphone vpn rsa

How to how to set up iphone vpn rsa

How to how to set up iphone vpn rsa
iphone vpn how to set up iphone vpn rsa
VPNs meaning Virtual Private Networks, can encrypt and tunnel all Internet traffic to your machine. The iPad VPN supporting the L2TP, PPTP, or Cisco IPSec VPN protocols, can help you access private information through public network securely.
To use VPN on iPad, you need to configure VPN first. Here is the tip on how to setupPPTP VPN for iphone/ipad/ipod
Configure VPN
Tap Settings > General > Network > VPN > Add VPN Configuration. Then use the VPN settings for your device.

Open the Settings application

Click on General

Click on Network

Click on VPN

Click on Add VPN Configuration

Select PPTP

In the Description field, enter vpntraffic

In the Server field, enter your supplied server (for

In the Account field, enter your supplied username

In the Password field, enter your supplied password

Ensure that Send All Traffic is set to ON

Ensure that Encryption is set to Auto

Click Save

Press the Home button

Open the Settings application

Click on VPN

Click on vpntraffic

Set VPN to ON

L2tp/ipsec VPN for iphone/ipad/ipod

Turn VPN on or off
If you have created a VPN configuration, you would find the option to turn VPN on or off in the Settings.
First disable Wi-Fi on iPad, then start VPN in the settings. Wait until it finishes connecting and the status bar would has the VPN icon.
Note: iPad will drop VPN whenever changing the networks.

Cisco IPsec VPN for iphone/ipad/ipod

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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How to ipad vpn linux

How to ipad vpn linux

How to ipad vpn linux
ipad vpn options.ipad vpn linux
VPNs meaning Virtual Private Networks, can encrypt and tunnel all Internet traffic to your machine. The iPad VPN supporting the L2TP, PPTP, or Cisco IPSec VPN protocols, can help you access private information through public network securely.
To use VPN on iPad, you need to configure VPN first. Here is the tip on how to setupPPTP VPN for iphone/ipad/ipod
Configure VPN
Tap Settings > General > Network > VPN > Add VPN Configuration. Then use the VPN settings for your device.

Open the Settings application

Click on General

Click on Network

Click on VPN

Click on Add VPN Configuration

Select PPTP

In the Description field, enter vpntraffic

In the Server field, enter your supplied server (for

In the Account field, enter your supplied username

In the Password field, enter your supplied password

Ensure that Send All Traffic is set to ON

Ensure that Encryption is set to Auto

Click Save

Press the Home button

Open the Settings application

Click on VPN

Click on vpntraffic

Set VPN to ON

L2tp/ipsec VPN for iphone/ipad/ipod

Turn VPN on or off
If you have created a VPN configuration, you would find the option to turn VPN on or off in the Settings.
First disable Wi-Fi on iPad, then start VPN in the settings. Wait until it finishes connecting and the status bar would has the VPN icon.
Note: iPad will drop VPN whenever changing the networks.

Cisco IPsec VPN for iphone/ipad/ipod

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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dimanche 12 mai 2013

How to Configure vpn android rsa

How to Configure vpn android rsa

How to Configure vpn android rsa
vpn android rsa
Android 4, better known as Ice-cream sandwich, is one such exciting version that allows you to configure VPN and use internet in totally anonymity without hassles.

1. Navigate to the settings:

2. Select "More..."

3. Select "VPN".If you havent done so yet, you might need to set a PIN for security reasons now.

4. Select "Add VPN network"

5. Now you need to enter the VPN server details.

Name: Anything you like,

Type: PPTP

Server address: Any server from the list at "PPTP servers"in the VPN control panel

6. Check "PPP encryption (MPPE)" and click on "Save".

7. Youll see the new connection now.Tap it.

8. Now enter your login details:

Username: Your VPN account username

Password: Your PPTP password

(note, this is not your account password!

Get the PPTP password from the server page).

Check "Save account information" and tap "Connect".

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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samedi 11 mai 2013

Foutbericht: VPN-verbindingsfout 801

Foutbericht: VPN-verbindingsfout 801

Foutbericht: VPN-verbindingsfout 801
Fout 801 bij VPN:Deze verbinding is geconfigureerd voor de identiteit van de toegangsserver wordt gecontroleerd, maar Windows kan het digitale certificaat dat is verzonden door de server niet controleren. .De volgende lijst bevat de foutcodes die kunnen worden weergegeven wanneer u probeert een inbelverbinding of een VPN-verbinding te maken

VpnTraffic - 1 klik vpn ,35+ landen servers. Snel en stabiel!

VpnTraffic - Alles in een klik vpn , Unblock U Internet, Omzeil op basis van locatie blocks! Selecteer een server locatie waar naar te verbinden, 35+ landen VPN servers wereldwijd ondersteuning pptp en l2tp/ipsec protocols beschikbaar.

ALs U websites wilt unblocken inclusief Facebook, Twitter, en veel meer!

Als U ip adres wil veranderen?

Als U BBC iPlayer over geheel de wereld wilt zien

Als U Netflix wilt zien buiten de US

VpnTraffic voor Android functies:

- 1 klik en U bent verbonden met onze vpn server, geen setup vereist!

- Slaat je username/passwords op, U hoeft alleen nog een server en locatie te kiezen en te verbinden.

- Geen bandbreedtebeperkingen

- Versleuteld Uw internetverkeer (voor u eigen privacy)

- Deblokkeren van overheid en bedrijfsleven beperkingingen, Omzeil "op basis van locatie" blokkades

- Onbeperkt switchen tussen VPN server locaties (35+ landen over de wereld)

- Ondersteund pptp en l2tp/ipsec protocols.

- Werkt met wifi, 3G, GSM, en alle mobiele data dragers.

Onze VPN Servers over de wereld:

- Europe:UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Czech, Poland, Romania

- America: USA, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil

- Asia: China, India, Japan, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Singapore, Korea, Turkey, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait

- Other: Australia

VpnTraffic is niet alleen beschikbaar voor Uw Android apparaat, VpnTraffic ondersteund ook andere besturingssystemen. Hiermee kunt U dan zowel Uw PC of Mac mee beveiligen.

VpnTraffic - Deblokeer uw Internet,toegang tot Skype,VOIP,TV-kanalen en streaming videos zoals Hulu,Netflix,BBC iPlayer. Ontwijk blokade gebaseerd op locatie ! 40 + Landen VPN-servers wereldwijd. Ondersteuning voor pptp en L2TP/IPSec.

What you need is a VPN account !

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How to unblock Songza with VPN in Belize

How to unblock Songza with VPN in Belize

How to unblock Songza with VPN in Belize
How to Play Songza with VPN in Belize.Thus to unblock Songza outside US, choose a VPN plan with US servers.

Songzais awebradiofor free music streaming. Songza is different from otherwebradioservices because the stations are made by the users of the community and also because Songza customizes the experience by giving the ability to advise songs within the users interests (simple survey questions, likeNetflix) and by showing a feedof what their friends are listening to (using FacebookConnect). Songzas mission is:
Unlike otherstreamingservices, the listeners can find stations not just based on artists, songs, and genres, but also based on themes, interests, and eras, like songsinApple commercials, 90s one-hit wonders, and music of Fashion Week.
However Songza is only reachable within the US. Actually when you try to access the site from abroad, you see the following message:

What is a VPN?

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia).

Why do I need a VPN?

Whether youre an expat living in a foreign country where the internet is heavily regulated, a mobile user constantly on the road, or just someone concerned with maintaining their privacy online, having aVPNis becoming essential.

VpnTraffic-1 tap vpn for Android,35+ Countries servers.Fast and Stable!

VpnTraffic - Unblock your Internet, Bypass location-based blocks! Select a server location to connect to,40+ Countries VPN servers worldwide.Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec.

If you need Unblock all websites Including Facebook, Twitter, and more?

If you need Change your IP address?

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If you need Watch Netflix Outside the US?

VpnTraffic features:

- 1 tap connect to our vpn server,Free setup!

- Save username/passwords,only need select a server location to connect to

- No bandwidth limitations

- Encrypts your internet traffic

- Unblock government and corporate restrictions,Bypass location-based blocks.

- Unlimited switches between VPN server locations (35+ Countries Around the world)

- Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec

- Works with wifi, 3G, GSM, and all mobile data carriers

What you need is a VPN account !

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vendredi 10 mai 2013

How to unblock Crackle with a VPN service in Benin

How to unblock Crackle with a VPN service in Benin

How to unblock Crackle with a VPN service in Benin
How to Watch Crackle with VPN in Benin.Crackle is a famous on-demand provider for entertainment contents : full-length movies, TV shows, and original series from genres that embody cool.

As one of the fastest growing entertainment destination, Crackles aim is to feature only the genres you love (comedy, action, drama, sci-fi, horror). Crackles distribution network is available on many devices as:

iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad/Android

Google TV


In addition to content from Sony Pictures, Crackle features original content, includingTrenchesandThe Bannen Way, which reached 8.4 million views in 2010,and more than 13 million views as of March 2010.
In 2011, Crackle began to develop long form programming. According to a statement from Eric Berger, Short-form episodes had their role on sites like YouTube and other places as the market was developing, he said. But we think we can create something longer with real talent behind it that can sit side by side with our great library. Such projects include Monster Heist, Strand Street, and an untitled anthology series that tells paranormal stories.
However Crackle is only available in the United States. In fact the company doesnt have the licensing rights necessary to a broadcasting outside the USA. Therefore the company has settled a blocking system which unable any foreigner from accessing the website. Any try will be confronted with the message showed at the beginning of the article.

What is a VPN?

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia).

Why do I need a VPN?

Whether youre an expat living in a foreign country where the internet is heavily regulated, a mobile user constantly on the road, or just someone concerned with maintaining their privacy online, having aVPNis becoming essential.

VpnTraffic-1 tap vpn for Android,35+ Countries servers.Fast and Stable!

VpnTraffic - Unblock your Internet, Bypass location-based blocks! Select a server location to connect to,40+ Countries VPN servers worldwide.Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec.

If you need Unblock all websites Including Facebook, Twitter, and more?

If you need Change your IP address?

If you need Watch BBC iPlayer from anywhere in the World?

If you need Watch Netflix Outside the US?

VpnTraffic features:

- 1 tap connect to our vpn server,Free setup!

- Save username/passwords,only need select a server location to connect to

- No bandwidth limitations

- Encrypts your internet traffic

- Unblock government and corporate restrictions,Bypass location-based blocks.

- Unlimited switches between VPN server locations (35+ Countries Around the world)

- Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec

- Works with wifi, 3G, GSM, and all mobile data carriers

What you need is a VPN account !

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Bląd 782 nie można ustanowić połączenia VPN serwer

Bląd 782 nie można ustanowić połączenia VPN serwer

Bląd 782 nie można ustanowić połączenia VPN serwer
Błąd połączenia sieci VPN 782:Udostępnianie połączenia internetowego (ICS i Zapora połączenia internetowego (ICF nie można włączyć, ponieważ usługa Routing i dostęp zdalny została włączona na tym komputerze. Aby włączyć usługę ICS lub ICF, należy najpierw wyłączyć Routing i dostęp zdalny. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat usługi Routing i dostęp zdalny ICS lub ICF, zobacz Pomoc i obsługa techniczna. Poniższa lista zawiera kody błędów, które mogą się pojawić podczas próby nawiązania połączenia telefonicznego lub połączenia sieci VPN.

Wszystko w jednym - Jedno kliknięcie i jesteś połączony
VpnTraffic - VPN dla ponad 35 serwerw w rżnych krajach. Szybkie i stabilne połączenie.
VpnTraffic - Wszystko w jednym - Jedno kliknięcie i jesteś połączony, Odblokuj swj internet, omiń blokady IP dla krajw! Wybierz jedną z 35+ lokalizacji servera i połącz się z całym światem uzyskujac adres IP z danego kraju. VPNTraffic wspiera PPTP i L2TP/IPSEC.
Chcesz odblokować wszystkie strony internetowe, włączjąc Facebooka, Twittera lub wiele wiele innych?
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Możliwości VPNTraffic dla :
- prosty w obłudze. Wystarczy jedno klikniecie żeby połączyć się z naszym serwerem VPN. Darmowa konfiguracja!
- umożliwia zapisanie użytkownika i hasła, wystarczy tylko wybrać lokalizcję serwera, żeby się połączyć.
- nasza usługa nie posiada limitu pasma. Sufruj po sieci tak szybko jak tylko pozwala na to twj dostawca internetowy.
- możliwość kodowania transmisji internetowej. Stań się anonimowy w sieci.
- umożliwia ominięcie blokady proxy w twojej pracy. Ciesz się nieograniczonym internetem w pracy!
- nielimitowana ilość zmian między lokalizacjami. Łącz się z rżnymi serwerami (w 35+ krajach) jak często tylko chcesz!
- wspiera protokoły PPTP i L2TP/IPSEC
- działa z połączeniami WiFi, 3G, GSM, u wszystkich operatorw komrkowych.
Nasze serwery VPN na świecie:
- EUROPA: UK, Francja, Niemcy, Szwecja, Rosja, Szwajcaria, Włochy, Holandia, Norwegia, Dania, Belgia, Czechy, Polsk, Rumunia
- AMERYKA: USA, Kanada, Meksyk, Kolumbia, Argentyna, Brazylia
- AZJA: Chiny, Indie, Japonia, Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie, Malezja, Singapur, Korea, Turcja, Indonezja, Tajlandia, Filipiny, Hong Kong, Wietnam, Izrael, Arabia Saudyjska, Kuwejt
- INNE: Australia
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Uwolnij swj internet!! Stań się anonimowy!! Oglądaj telewizje internetowe w rżnych krajach (BBC, Hulu, CBS, NBC i wiele innych)!!

VpnTraffic - Odblokuj swj internet,dostęp do Skype,VOIP,Kanałw TV i serwisw Hulu,Netflix,BBC iPlayer.Bypass location-based blocks! 40+ Krajw z serwerami vpn na całym świecie,Obsługa pptp i l2tp/ipsec.

What you need is a VPN account !

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jeudi 9 mai 2013

Como solucionar o erro 799 de conexão VPN

Como solucionar o erro 799 de conexão VPN

Como solucionar o erro 799 de conexão VPN
Como solucionar o erro 799 de conexão VPN.A seguinte lista contém todos os códigos de erros que você pode receber ao tentar estabelecer uma conexão dial-up ou VPN

O que VPN?
Uma Rede Particular Virtual (Virtual Private Network VPN), como o prprio nome sugere, uma forma de conectar dois computadores utilizando uma rede pblica, como a Internet (a rede pblica mais utilizada para este propsito). Para ajudar a entender melhor, pense em uma empresa que precisa interligar duas de suas filiais. Existem algumas alternativas para solucionar o problema:

Com VpnTraffic remove restries baseadas em regies, navega anonimamente com muita segurana e rapidez, tudo isso sem limites.
Voc pode conectar-se a PSN ou Live de outros paises, jogar jogos onde no Brasil proibido ou assistir vdeos no YouTube, Netflix e outros sem a limitao imposta a brasileiros.
Pode inclusive melhorar a navegao local utilizando nosso servidor brasileiro.
Funciona em qualquer celular ou sistema operacional.
Temos mais de 40 servidores espalhados no mundo, nas principais regies do planeta.
Suporte a PPTP e L2TP/IPSec
Tenha uma internet livre, rpida e segura por um preo muito acessvel.

1- Voc precisa de um VPN (Virtual Private Network), como o vpntraffic, que apartir de $1.99 prov:

Conexo usando os protocolos PPTP e L2TP;

Trfego de dados sem restriol

Conexo de alta velocidade;

Encriptao de 128 bits (uma conexo encriptada no pode ser vista por um hacker ou pelo seu ISP (Internet Service Provider, no caso, a sua operadora de ADSL), como a sua conexo com o banco, por exemplo);

Anula o firewall do seu ISP;

Sem logs ou rotas dos seus acessos internet;

Seu IP fica oculto, annimo;

Funciona com Windows, Linux, Mac OS;

Funciona em plataformas mveis, como Android/Windows/iPhone/Blackberry/Symbian

fcil de instalar e usar;

Ativao da conta de VPN instantnea;

Com a VpnTraffic voc remove limitaes impostas por regies, obtm contedos restritos, como canais de vdeos ou ate mesmo jogos. Temos mais de 40 servidores VPN espalhados pelo mundo com suporte pptp el2tp/ipsec

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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mercredi 8 mai 2013



FaceTime is an amazing video calling application for iPhone 4. And the fact that this app is developed by Apple adds weight to it. But due to some regulations, FaceTime is blocked for the users of Dubai, UAE, Qatar, Egypt, Jordon. Here is a way to unblock FaceTime for the users of above mentioned, where it is actually blocked.

The best way to unblock FaceTime for the users accessing the application from countries like Dubai, UAE, Qatar, Egypt, Jordon is to change their DNS. Here is some homework for you. You need to hunt for a DNS which would let you connect to Internet as International user instead of a user from Dubai, UAE, Qatar, Egypt, or Jordon.
Once you get such DNS, configure your iPhone by navigating it to Wifi Settings > Advance and enter the DNS that you have found. You can try for these DNS entries

What is a VPN?

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia).

Why do I need a VPN?

Whether youre an expat living in a foreign country where the internet is heavily regulated, a mobile user constantly on the road, or just someone concerned with maintaining their privacy online, having aVPNis becoming essential.

VpnTraffic-1 tap vpn for Android,35+ Countries servers.Fast and Stable!

VpnTraffic - Unblock your Internet, Bypass location-based blocks! Select a server location to connect to,40+ Countries VPN servers worldwide.Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec.

If you need Unblock all websites Including Facebook, Twitter, and more?

If you need Change your IP address?

If you need Watch BBC iPlayer from anywhere in the World?

If you need Watch Netflix Outside the US?

VpnTraffic features:

- 1 tap connect to our vpn server,Free setup!

- Save username/passwords,only need select a server location to connect to

- No bandwidth limitations

- Encrypts your internet traffic

- Unblock government and corporate restrictions,Bypass location-based blocks.

- Unlimited switches between VPN server locations (35+ Countries Around the world)

- Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec

- Works with wifi, 3G, GSM, and all mobile data carriers

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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How to circumvent the Cinemax Max Go geo blocking in Lesotho

How to circumvent the Cinemax Max Go geo blocking in Lesotho

How to circumvent the Cinemax Max Go geo blocking in Lesotho
How to circumvent the Cinemax Max Go geo blocking in Lesotho
Cinemax, sometimes abbreviated asMax, is a selection ofpremium television networksthat broadcasts primarily films, along withoriginal action series,documentariesand behind-the-scenes features. The channels name is aportmanteauof cinema and maximum.

As of August 2011, Cinemaxs programming is available to 16.7 million subscribers in the United States.Max Gois the on-demand service of the channel. The website offers 700 hours of video contents, available in standard or high definition streaming.
Contents are available to the Cinemax suscribers ofAT Uverse,Cox Communications,DirecTV,Dish Network,Suddenlink Communications,andCharter Communications.The Service is also reachable on various devices asiPhone,iPad, andAndroid.
Nevertheless, the site is unreachable outside the U.S. In fact the company has set up a blocking system which prevents any foreigner user from having an access to the contents. Actually it doesnt have the needed rights for a worldwide broadcasting. Therefore is the system able to analyze the IPs of the users and to determine their origin. Then, it blocks the access according to your origin.

What is a VPN?

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia).

Why do I need a VPN?

Whether youre an expat living in a foreign country where the internet is heavily regulated, a mobile user constantly on the road, or just someone concerned with maintaining their privacy online, having aVPNis becoming essential.

VpnTraffic-1 tap vpn for Android,35+ Countries servers.Fast and Stable!

VpnTraffic - Unblock your Internet, Bypass location-based blocks! Select a server location to connect to,40+ Countries VPN servers worldwide.Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec.

If you need Unblock all websites Including Facebook, Twitter, and more?

If you need Change your IP address?

If you need Watch BBC iPlayer from anywhere in the World?

If you need Watch Netflix Outside the US?

VpnTraffic features:

- 1 tap connect to our vpn server,Free setup!

- Save username/passwords,only need select a server location to connect to

- No bandwidth limitations

- Encrypts your internet traffic

- Unblock government and corporate restrictions,Bypass location-based blocks.

- Unlimited switches between VPN server locations (35+ Countries Around the world)

- Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec

- Works with wifi, 3G, GSM, and all mobile data carriers

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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mardi 7 mai 2013

VPN Chyba 809 připojení k virtuální privátní síti

VPN Chyba 809 připojení k virtuální privátní síti

VPN Chyba 809 připojení k virtuální privátní síti
VPN Chyba 809 připojení k virtuální privátní síti:Síťové připojení mezi počítačem a serverem VPN se nezdařilo protože vzdálený server neodpovídá. Důvodem může být jedním z síťové zařízení (např, firewall, zařízení NAT, směrovače atd) mezi počítačem a vzdáleným serverem není nakonfigurován tak, aby povolit připojení VPN. Obraťte na správce sítě nebo vašeho poskytovatel metadat určit zařízení způsobující problém. 

Přitom v USA mte řadu online služeb, kter vm požadovan obsah poskytnou, jen to m jeden hček. Muste se připojit z Spojench Sttu. Nebo se alespoň tvřit, že se tam nachzte.
A tohle je podmnka, kter se d velice dobře splnit i ze středu Evropy. Potřebujete jen provozovatele, kter vm poskytne VPN připojen, respektive tunel do USA. Vy si v klidu sedte doma, přes VPN se připojte k providerovi v USA a od toho okamžiku jste oficilně za ocenem. Veker vae internetov aktivita je brna jako přstup z USA a tm pdem mte přstup i k irok nabdce služeb.
VpnTraffic - VPN pro na jedno kliknut, servery v 35+ zemch.Rychl a stabiln!
VpnTraffic - Ve na jedno kliknut pro Android, odblokujte svůj internet, obejit blokace podle lokality! Vběr umstěn serveru propřipojen, 35+ zem s VPN servery po celm světě. Podporuje PPTP a I2TP/IPsec.
Potřebujete odblokovat vechny internetov strnky včetně Facebooku,Twitteru a dal?
Potřebujete změnit svoji IP adresu?
Potřebujete sledovat BBC iPlayer kdekoliv na světě?
Potřebujete sledovat Netflix mimo USA?
Funkce VpnTraffic pro :
- Připojen k naim VPN serverům na jedno kliknut, instalace zdarma!
- Uložen uživatelskho jmna a hesla, stač pouze vybrat umstěn
serveru pro připojen
- Neomezen množstv přenesench dat
- Zaifrujte sv internetov připojen
- Odblokujte sttn a firemn omezen, obejděte blokaci podle lokality
- Neomezen přepnn mezi umstěnmi VPN serverů (35+ zem ve světě)
- Podporuje PPTP a I2TP/IPsec
- Funguje s wifi, 3G, GSM a vemi druhy mobilnch internetovch připojen
VPN servery ve světě:
- Evropa: UK (Velk Britnie), Francie, Německo, vdsko, Rusko,
panělsko, vcarsko, Itlie, Nizozem, Norsko, Dnsko, Belgie, Česk
republika, Polsko, Rumunsko
- Amerika: USA, Kanada, Mexiko, Kolumbie, Argentina, Brazlie
- Asie: Čna, Indie, Japonsko, Spojen arabsk emirty, Malajsie,
Singapur, Korea, Turecko, Indonsie, Thajsko, Filipny, Hong Kong,
Vietnam, Izrael, Saudsk Arbie, Kuvajt
- Ostatn: Austrlie
Nen jen pro Adnroid aplikaci, VpnTraffic podporuje i dal operačnsystmy. Zabezpečte sv PC nebo Mac.

VpnTraffic - Odblokujte svůj internet, zpřstupněte Skype, VOIP,televizn kanly a video streamy jako Hulu, Netflix, BBC iPlayer.Obejit blokace podle lokality! 40+ zem s VPN servery po celm světě.Podporuje PPTP a I2TP/IPsec.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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lundi 6 mai 2013

في vpn error 821 الخطأ :لم يتمكن عميل فرض ''حماية الوصول إلى الشبكة'' (NAP) من معالجة الطلب نظرًا لعدم وجود اتصال الوصول عن بعد. أعد محاولة اتصال الوصول عن بعد. في حالة استمرار حدوث المشكلة، تأكد من إمكانية الاتصال بالإنترنت، ثم اتصل بالمسؤول من أجل خادم

في vpn error 821 الخطأ :لم يتمكن عميل فرض ''حماية الوصول إلى الشبكة'' (NAP) من معالجة الطلب نظرًا لعدم وجود اتصال الوصول عن بعد. أعد محاولة اتصال الوصول عن بعد. في حالة استمرار حدوث المشكلة، تأكد من إمكانية الاتصال بالإنترنت، ثم اتصل بالمسؤول من أجل خادم

في vpn error 821 الخطأ :لم يتمكن عميل فرض ''حماية الوصول إلى الشبكة'' (NAP) من معالجة الطلب نظرًا لعدم وجود اتصال الوصول عن بعد. أعد محاولة اتصال الوصول عن بعد. في حالة استمرار حدوث المشكلة، تأكد من إمكانية الاتصال بالإنترنت، ثم اتصل بالمسؤول من أجل خادم
في vpn error 821 الخطأ :لم يتمكن عميل فرض "حماية الوصول إلى الشبكة" (NAP) من معالجة الطلب نظرًا لعدم وجود اتصال الوصول عن بعد. أعد محاولة اتصال الوصول عن بعد. في حالة استمرار حدوث المشكلة، تأكد من إمكانية الاتصال بالإنترنت،

VpnTraffic - اتصل بضغطة زر من خلال برنامج الاندرويد، افتح المواقع المحظورة. اتصل بأي سيرفر من سيرفراتنا بين اكثر من 35 سيرفر من دول متنوعة. ندعم الاتصال الآمن.

اذا كنت تريد فتح كل المواقع الالكترونية، بما بينها الفيسبوك، و تويتر، و المزيد؟

اذا كنت تريد تغيير الاي بي الخاص بك؟

اذا كنت تريد مشاهدة BBC iPlayer من اي مكان بالعالم؟

اذا كنت تريد مشاهدة Netflix من خارج الولايات المتحدة الامريكية؟

- مميزات برنامج VpnTraffic للاندرويد :

ضغطة واحده فقط للاتصال، اعداد مجاني.

امكانية حفظ اليوزر والباسورد الخاص بك، فقط تحتاج لتحديد دولة السيرفر المراد الاتصال به.

باندويث غير محدود.

آتصال آمن 100%.

فتح المواقع المحجوبة من قبل الدولة او شركة الاتصالات.

تغيير غير محدود بين دولة السيرفرات [ يوجد اكثر من 35 دولة ].

يدعم pptp و l2tp/ipsec .

يعمل مع الوايرلس [الواي فاي] و 3 جي و جي اس ام وكل شبكات الانترنت المحمولة.

خوادم في بي ان حول العالم :

اوروبا : بريطانيا، فرنسا، السويد، روسيا، اسبانيا، سويسرا، ايطاليا، هولندا، النرويج، الدنمارك، بلجيكا، التشيك، بولندا، رومنيا.

امريكا : الولايات المتحدة الامريكية، كندا، كولومبيا، المكسيك، الارجنتين، البرازيل.

آسيا : الصين، الهند، اليابان، الامارات، السعودية، ماليزا، سنغافورا، كوريا، تركيا، اندونيسيا، تايلند، الفلبيين، هونج كونج، فيتنام، فلسطين [الاحتلال الاسرائيلي]، الكويت.

آخرى : استراليا.

ليس فقط للاندرويد، VpnTraffic تدعم كل الانظمة ، سواء كمبيوترات او جوالات.

What you need is a VPN account !

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في vpn error 604 الخطأ :تم تحديد معلومات غير صحيحة. 

في vpn error 604 الخطأ :تم تحديد معلومات غير صحيحة. 

في vpn error 604 الخطأ :تم تحديد معلومات غير صحيحة. 
في vpn error 604 الخطأ :تم تحديد معلومات غير صحيحة. 

VpnTraffic - اتصل بضغطة زر من خلال برنامج الاندرويد، افتح المواقع المحظورة. اتصل بأي سيرفر من سيرفراتنا بين اكثر من 35 سيرفر من دول متنوعة. ندعم الاتصال الآمن.

اذا كنت تريد فتح كل المواقع الالكترونية، بما بينها الفيسبوك، و تويتر، و المزيد؟

اذا كنت تريد تغيير الاي بي الخاص بك؟

اذا كنت تريد مشاهدة BBC iPlayer من اي مكان بالعالم؟

اذا كنت تريد مشاهدة Netflix من خارج الولايات المتحدة الامريكية؟

- مميزات برنامج VpnTraffic للاندرويد :

ضغطة واحده فقط للاتصال، اعداد مجاني.

امكانية حفظ اليوزر والباسورد الخاص بك، فقط تحتاج لتحديد دولة السيرفر المراد الاتصال به.

باندويث غير محدود.

آتصال آمن 100%.

فتح المواقع المحجوبة من قبل الدولة او شركة الاتصالات.

تغيير غير محدود بين دولة السيرفرات [ يوجد اكثر من 35 دولة ].

يدعم pptp و l2tp/ipsec .

يعمل مع الوايرلس [الواي فاي] و 3 جي و جي اس ام وكل شبكات الانترنت المحمولة.

خوادم في بي ان حول العالم :

اوروبا : بريطانيا، فرنسا، السويد، روسيا، اسبانيا، سويسرا، ايطاليا، هولندا، النرويج، الدنمارك، بلجيكا، التشيك، بولندا، رومنيا.

امريكا : الولايات المتحدة الامريكية، كندا، كولومبيا، المكسيك، الارجنتين، البرازيل.

آسيا : الصين، الهند، اليابان، الامارات، السعودية، ماليزا، سنغافورا، كوريا، تركيا، اندونيسيا، تايلند، الفلبيين، هونج كونج، فيتنام، فلسطين [الاحتلال الاسرائيلي]، الكويت.

آخرى : استراليا.

ليس فقط للاندرويد، VpnTraffic تدعم كل الانظمة ، سواء كمبيوترات او جوالات.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

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samedi 4 mai 2013

VPN Verbindung kann nicht aufgebaut werden : VPN Fehler 720

VPN Verbindung kann nicht aufgebaut werden : VPN Fehler 720

VPN Verbindung kann nicht aufgebaut werden : VPN Fehler 720
VPN Fehler 720:Keine PPP-Kontrollprotokolle konfiguriert. .Dieser Artikel listet die Fehlercodes auf, die angezeigt werden können, wenn Sie auf einem Computer mit dem Betriebssystem Windows Vista versuchen, eine DFÜ-Verbindung oder VPN-Verbindung aufzubauen.
Die folgende Liste enthlt die Fehlercodes, die mglicherweise angezeigt werden, wenn Sie versuchen, eine DF-Verbindung oder eine VPN-Verbindung aufzubauen.

VpnTraffic - All in one vpn , Verschlsseln sie ihre Internet-IP! Whlen Sie einen Server-Standort aus, VPN Server aus 35 + Lnder weltweit. Untersttzt PPTP und L2TP/IPsec Verbindungen.

Wenn Sie die Entsperrung aller Websites wie Facebook, Twitter und mehr brauchen?

Wenn Sie Ihre IP-Adresse ndern wollen?

Wenn Sie BBC iPlayer von berall auf der Welt sehen mchten?

Wenn Sie Netflix Auerhalb der USA beobachten wollen?

VpnTraffic fr Features:

- 1 Anwendung um auf unsere VPN-Server zu verbinden, gratis Installation!

- Speichern Sie Username / Passwort, sie brauchen nur einen Server auswhlen um zu verbinden

- Keine Bandbreitenbeschrnkungen

- Verschlsselt Ihren Internet-Verkehr

- Entsperren sie Staatsverschlsselungen.

- Wechseln sie unbegrenzt zwischen den VPN Server (35 + Lnder auf der ganzen Welt)

- Untersttzt PPTP und L2TP

- Arbeitet mit Wi-Fi, 3G, GSM, und alle mobilen Datentrgern

VPN-Server auf der Welt:

- Europa: UK, Frankreich, Deutschland, Schweden, Russland, Spanien, Schweiz, Italien, Niederlande, Norwegen, Dnemark, Belgien, Tschechien, Polen, Rumnien

- Amerika: USA, Kanada, Mexiko, Kolumbien, Argentinien, Brasilien

- Asien: China, Indien, Japan, Vereinigte Arabische Emirate, Malaysia, Singapur, Korea, Trkei, Indonesien, Thailand, Philippinen, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Israel, Saudi-Arabien, Kuwait

- Sonstige: Australien

Nicht nur fr Android App, VpnTraffic untersttzt auch anderer Betriebsysteme. Sichern Sie VpnTraffic fr ihren PC oder MAC.

Wenn Sie Ihre IP-Adresse ndern wollen. VpnTraffic - Unblock Ihre Internet-, Access Skype, VOIP, TV und Streaming-Videos wie Hulu, Netflix, BBC iPlayer. Blcken! 40 + Lnder VPN-Server worldwide. Voll Support PPTP und L2TP/IPsec.

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


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دانلود vpn گوشی evo 3d

دانلود vpn گوشی evo 3d

دانلود vpn گوشی evo 3d
دانلود vpn گوشی evo 3d

VpnTraffic - اتصل بضغطة زر من خلال برنامج الاندرويد، افتح المواقع المحظورة. اتصل بأي سيرفر من سيرفراتنا بين اكثر من 35 سيرفر من دول متنوعة. ندعم الاتصال الآمن.

اذا كنت تريد فتح كل المواقع الالكترونية، بما بينها الفيسبوك، و تويتر، و المزيد؟

اذا كنت تريد تغيير الاي بي الخاص بك؟

اذا كنت تريد مشاهدة BBC iPlayer من اي مكان بالعالم؟

اذا كنت تريد مشاهدة Netflix من خارج الولايات المتحدة الامريكية؟

- مميزات برنامج VpnTraffic للاندرويد :

ضغطة واحده فقط للاتصال، اعداد مجاني.

امكانية حفظ اليوزر والباسورد الخاص بك، فقط تحتاج لتحديد دولة السيرفر المراد الاتصال به.

باندويث غير محدود.

آتصال آمن 100%.

فتح المواقع المحجوبة من قبل الدولة او شركة الاتصالات.

تغيير غير محدود بين دولة السيرفرات [ يوجد اكثر من 35 دولة ].

يدعم pptp و l2tp/ipsec .

يعمل مع الوايرلس [الواي فاي] و 3 جي و جي اس ام وكل شبكات الانترنت المحمولة.

خوادم في بي ان حول العالم :

اوروبا : بريطانيا، فرنسا، السويد، روسيا، اسبانيا، سويسرا، ايطاليا، هولندا، النرويج، الدنمارك، بلجيكا، التشيك، بولندا، رومنيا.

امريكا : الولايات المتحدة الامريكية، كندا، كولومبيا، المكسيك، الارجنتين، البرازيل.

آسيا : الصين، الهند، اليابان، الامارات، السعودية، ماليزا، سنغافورا، كوريا، تركيا، اندونيسيا، تايلند، الفلبيين، هونج كونج، فيتنام، فلسطين [الاحتلال الاسرائيلي]، الكويت.

آخرى : استراليا.

ليس فقط للاندرويد، VpnTraffic تدعم كل الانظمة ، سواء كمبيوترات او جوالات.

What you need is a VPN account !

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vendredi 3 mai 2013

Problema configurazione VPN errore 704

Problema configurazione VPN errore 704

Problema configurazione VPN errore 704
Problema configurazione VPN errore 704:ERROR_BAD_CALLBACK_NUMBER .La liste suivante contient les codes d'erreur qui peuvent s'afficher lorsque vous tentez d'établir une connexion d'accès à distance ou une connexion VPN :
VpnTraffic - All in one-tap vpn , libera la tua Internet, aggira i blocchi legati al tuo paese!Scegli un server a cui connetterti tra 35+ paesi nel mondo. Supporta pptp e l2tp/ipsec.

Vuoi accedere a tutti i siti, incluso Facebook, Twitter e altri?
Vuoi navigare con un diverso indirizzo IP?
Vuoi guardare la RAI o SkyGO da qualunque parte nel mondo?

Le caratteristiche di VpnTraffic per Android:
- Connessione "1 tap" al nostro server vpn, setup gratuito!
- Salva username/passwords, devi solo scegliere il server a cui connetterti
- Nessuna limitazione di banda
- Il tuo traffico internet viene criptato
- Aggira blocchi governativi, restrizioni aziendali e quelle legate al paese di accesso
- Cambio di server VPN senza limitazioni (35+ paesi nel mondo)
- Supporta pptp e l2tp/ipsec
- Funziona con wifi, 3G, GSM e tutti gli operatori

Server VPN disponibili nel mondo:

- Europa:UK, Francia, Germania, Svezia,Russia,Spagna,Svizzera,Italia,Olanda,Norvegia,Danimarca,Belgio,Rep Ceca, Polonia,Romania
- America: USA,Canada,Messico,Columbia, Argentina,Brasile
- Asia: Cina,India,Giappone, Emirati Arabi,Malesia,Singapore, Corea del Sud,Turchia, Indonesia,Tailandia, Filippine, Hong Kong, Vietnam,Israele, Arabia Saudita,Kuwait
- Altri: Australia

Non solo per Android, VpnTraffic supporta altri sistemi operativi, usalo per il tuo PC o Mac.

Che cosa offriamo


Noi assegniamo al vostro computer un Nuovo indirizzo IP da USA,Inghilterra, Germania, Olanda, Irlanda, Singapore, Romania, Svizzera,Malesia, Russia e Svezia. Ridefinisci le regole del tuo firewall,prendi il controllo della tua rete.


Utilizza una connessione SICURA e CIFRATA fra il tuo computer e ilresto della rete Internet. Impedisci a ISP locali di spiarti e dicontrollare la velocit del tuo traffico dati.


I nostri servizi VPN sono un metodo semplice e efficace di aggiungere un ragionevole livello di privacy e sicurezza alla vostra connessione internet. Aggiungonuo un livello di SICUREZZA e ANONIMATO.


Compatibile con Skype e altri software VOIP. Compatibile con Windows,Linux, MAC, iPod, iPhone, Android e Windows Mobile.

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vpntraffic - sblocca internet, accesso a skype, voip, canali e streaming come hulu, ecc. Evita i blocchi locali! Server vpn localizzati in tutto il mondo. Supporta pptp e l2tp/ipsec

What you need is a VPN account !

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jeudi 2 mai 2013

How to unlock Steam in Vietnam with vpn

How to unlock Steam in Vietnam with vpn

How to unlock Steam in Vietnam with vpn
How to activate Vietnam game keys on Steam with Vietnam VPN?

Steamis a game distribution platformdevelopedby Valve. It distribute a lot of games, from smallindependentsgames to big video game studios. Steam is a platform that will stock your games online : you just have to install Steam on a computer and you will be able to download your game on any computers. Steam is available on PC, Mac and Linux.
You can buy your games directly on Steam. But there is a cheaper way to get Steams games. You can also just buy the game key from a non-authorized steam reseller. Be very careful with those websites, some are nottrustworthy. Heres a little list of some website you can trust :
On theses websites, you will be able to just buy the key from the game you want, cheaper than on Steam. You will receive the key by mail, all you have to do next is to enter this key on your Steam account and it will unlock the game. Unfortunately, those keys are often from Russia or other countries. So if you want to activate it on Steam, you will need to use aVPN.
How to activate foreign game keys on Steam?
If you, for example, get a Russian key for the game you want, you will have to make Steam believe that you are from Russia when you will activate your game. To do so, you will need to change your IP address for a Russian one, with a VPN. A VPN (virtual private network) is a simple application that will create a connection between you and a VPN server, via aVPN provider. So if you want a Russian IP address, just connect to a Russian VPN server.Steam connection through VPN

What is a VPN?

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) were first used by companies to enable their employees to securely access internal systems such as email remotely (e.g. from home or while on business trips). Today they are increasingly being used for personal use by individuals to protect their privacy while online in public places (e.g. when using the wi-fi connection in a cafe) or in a country where the internet is censored / blocked (e.g. China, Saudi Arabia).

Why do I need a VPN?

Whether youre an expat living in a foreign country where the internet is heavily regulated, a mobile user constantly on the road, or just someone concerned with maintaining their privacy online, having aVPNis becoming essential.

VpnTraffic-1 tap vpn for Android,35+ Countries servers.Fast and Stable!

VpnTraffic - Unblock your Internet, Bypass location-based blocks! Select a server location to connect to,40+ Countries VPN servers worldwide.Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec.

If you need Unblock all websites Including Facebook, Twitter, and more?

If you need Change your IP address?

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VpnTraffic features:

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- Save username/passwords,only need select a server location to connect to

- No bandwidth limitations

- Encrypts your internet traffic

- Unblock government and corporate restrictions,Bypass location-based blocks.

- Unlimited switches between VPN server locations (35+ Countries Around the world)

- Support pptp and l2tp/ipsec

- Works with wifi, 3G, GSM, and all mobile data carriers

What you need is a VPN account !

Before you make an order, you can Trial our VPN Service for3 days.


High Speed
All country server

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